sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

The fire princess

The fire princess by Pedro Pablo Sacristan

8 comentarios:

  1. good story, the draws and voice are not totally clear.

  2. Good video Andres. I like how you presented this even if the camera was so far. You did a great work!

  3. The camare was a little far, however you made a great job!.

  4. Beautiful story I like that you appeared in the video and also your voice is very clear

  5. Good job! It´s too bad that the camera was so far!

  6. I cannot see well the drawings. But I know that you did an excellent work.

  7. I am sure that you did a great job with the tv and drawings, but I could no see it, because of the sound and the distance between the camera and your tv, but the story was interesting!
